Wednesday 7 April 2010

Copenhagen (Wonderful)

Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen................ I dont any more of that song than you do. I do know I had a fabtastic weekend - Friday, Saturday and Sunday in this capital city for NOUGHT PENCE.

We got our flights out at 10.ooish and were collected at Copenhagen airport by a chaufeur, complete with the black leather gloves and a sign that read MRS MARIA KENNY on it, I gave him the nod and we followed him to a black limo, the windows were darkened and double glazed and hubs was rather taken with the mode of transport, I was more impressed that we had only a 20 min drive to our centrally located hotel and free drinks to slurp on the way. Our driver Chris was very nice, his english was perfect with a slight american accent. As i looked out of the window it was all i could do to keep myself from thinking about James Bond films, "No Mr bond I expect you to die", i think it was a mixture of unexpected international travel, a driver in a uniform and black leather gloves.

Our hotel was nice, a double balcony and large enough to contain a sitting area, we threw our stuff in our room and got out and about, obviously after sampling a Kebap our first quick snack to keep us going while we walked along the Strogget - a mile of shops than meanders and twists and turns wonderfully bringing you into squares, courtyards all filled with bicicles and acordian players.

We called for our first drink at Strekkers bar and tasted turbourg lager, it worked out at around £5 a pint but as we constantly reminded ourselves for the rest of the weekend, this wasnt our money after all it was courtesy of my comp, and we raised glass after glass of various beverages to Colgate, god bless em.


robbles said...

I remember those 'kebaps' from when I went to Germany. Plump, fluffly pita bread encasing steaming hot, delicately spiced chunky meat (without any canine overtones), and a fresh, crisp salad. A huge handful and deliciously satisfying.

Ah Kebaps, king of the Central European snackfoods. So much more impressive to the limp-wristed kebab efforts avaialable on Saturday nights at The Nile on Market Street in Chorley.

Good blog Mahoo, keep it up. A new idea for your blogs, 'Maria Kenny's A B C Guide to Winning Competitions'.

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't have got that breakaway if you were still at our place. :-)