Saturday 17 April 2010

Love hurts..............

Many, many years ago a girl of just Twenty found herself to be pregnant, shocked and stressed by this she kept the fact hidden for many weeks, this was relatively easy to do as she had just left home and changed her job, therefore the people who perhaps knew her the best were not at hand to witness the change in body shape ( big) eating habits (donuts and lucozade) she was very frightened and thought that if she didn’t think about the problem it might just go away…. when she finally registered with a GP she famously said

“I think we can dispense with the pregnancy test, in around 17 weeks you will be having a baby”!

now none of that really matters, but a story without a good background is no story at all and that’s the back ground……………….

The morning (noon and night) sickness went on and on, had she been losing weight or any sign that this was affecting the child growing inside her I am sure the doctors would have been concerned as it wasn’t she got the largest bottles of gaviscon on prescription (free) they were so heavy there was no way she could carry one from the pharmacy without the aid of a bag on wheels (all this for a former rock chick) the bottles were the size of demijohns.

She continued to take gaviscon in big swigs (dispensing with the 5ml spoons immediately) and this continued until the 7lb 1 oz baby pushed his way into this world (she always pictured that scene out of alien, it wasn’t anything like, but the legal high permitted whilst in labour can do a funny thing to your memories, especially to a fan of science fiction)

They say love hurts but in my experience it doesn’t hurt as much as gastric reflux

I have just started a prescription of lanzoprazole, but I may kill you if you mention rennies, arrowroot biscuits, ginger ale, peppermint cordial or the fact I caused it through eating spicy foreign food, just a warning…….


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