Tuesday 22 March 2011


Its tuesday evening and I am just about calming down from (I hope) a throw away comment someone close to me said on sunday. I hope I never phone someone up and reprimand them for not having contacted me in a set number of days, but sadley as I get older and more isolated maybe I will.

While I begin to explain my basic existance and what it consists of you will see I pretty much juggle like someone desperate to get a job at the circus, despite what others may think this is not what I want to do.

I leave the house at 8am and dont get back till 6pm, thats the bit in the day monday- friday I actually get paid for. I have a lunch hour which I think over the whole week are probrably some of my only me times, if I dont need to replenish stocks at home (bread, milk, sub rolls etc) I look round the shops at shiny things, I spray perfume in boots, see if Krispy creme have got samples out, check what the ladies want me to do market research on and generally enjoy myself.

I have a frantic hour from 7-8 where I get dressed, wash up, put washing on, put something in the slow cooker for tea, make sandwhiches on either barms, subs or warbies, everyone has a preference and within reason I do try to give them what they want. I apply my makeup in the car on the way to work, and feel lucky that my firstborn does the driving, he rarely has any change to pay the car parking fees and the red light is on in his thirsty car and I sort both out greatful I am not having to do the tedius journey into manchester on the 256 (where I still have that stalker).

I walk out of work at 5.00pm, check my list and get any provisions necessary before getting my lift home again, now when I come in I usually do tea for my youngest and tidy round, check the post, and do any other jobs that require doing, tonight for instance its completing the census and locating a couple of library books that are overdue. I also have some shirts to iron and when hubs comes in from his late shift I will be doing his tea and prob wont sit down till 9.00, now this is the price I pay for wanting to own my own home and pay a mortgage, I accept all these responsiblities, but what I dont appreciate is someone wondering why I having phoned them in 7 days. I may not keep this story on my blogg and it feels way too personal but for the moment and just for me I need the writing on the wall......

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