Monday 28 March 2011

Atomic Mutton

In my everyday life I do sometimes get the opportunity to meet famous people, or should I say household names, this I did earlier this month at the North West launch of the Big Lunch

The Big Lunch is an opportunity for communities/neighbours and friends to come together on 5th June 2011 for a chat and refreshments, it can be as big or as small an event as you want to make it, a cup of tea and a biscuit with your close neighbours is enough, or a full blown street party, just an opportunity to reconnect with our immediate community, like the good ole days (but minus the diptheria, TB and rickettes)

Liz the ever lovely former "Atomic Kitten", she gave us a few tips on making ourselves look good in a photo (these failed on my part so I obviously need miracles rather than tips) my boss looked good (some people are just so photogenic).

Come and hold the fork and knife Liz shouted before our close up (think that one over, it only works if you say it with a scouse dialect), walking over Albert Squares cobbles in Jimmy Choos is another skill, but I wont need tips on that as I will prob never own a pair, A) because they cost too much and B) they wont make them in a ladies size 10!

Anyway if we start up a new band with our increased ages we could always call ourselves ATOMIC MUTTON.....


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