Thursday 10 March 2011

The Amber Gamblers

I suppose this blogg leads on from "Unspecified white fish", from a couple of bloggs back. Hubs had been snapped going through a red light (where previously there has been no active camera) how strange that my firstborn had the same experience, a few differences have been discussed at length

Hubs was snapped at 6.50am and was doing 16mph
firstborn was snapped at 8.32am and was doing 14mph

the outcome is the same, they were both required to complete a form stating that they were indeed the drivers of said vehicles and then their letters came with their options.... points on your license and a £60 fine or no points on your license and you had to pay £79 to go on a three hour driving awareness class, so the two Amber Gamblers as I have been calling them (its from an old advert in the 70's) are going together father and son, like a bonding session but organised by the police I am so very proud of them both...... I think they should be made to wear the orange jumpsuits but then I do love a good laugh

ps. Its highly unlikely I would get caught as I dont drive fast enough anywhere, and my car is so dirty I will just swear blind it wasnt me drivng it....

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