Wednesday 23 March 2011


I hadnt actually baked for years, I used to the ginger bread men with my first born but as he will be 23 this year you can see just how long ago that was, I did laugh to myself the time I got teaspoons and tablespoons mixed up when adding the ginger, a neighbours boy looked shocked as he brought the gingerbread man back minus a leg and urgenty wanted water (as a mum you have to savour the good times with a quiet little chuckle inside, whilest appearing caring), that seemed to put a stop to the ginger men as the boy with the burnt mouth called them (he had fear in his eyes as he said it, you know like saying the boggy man will get you etc...)

Anyway youngest is a bit of a dab hand with the old baking, she always did like it but it became a real pleasure over the last couple of years and she makes some damn fine stuff, from choc devil cake, cookies and will generally make choc crispies whilst waiting for the kettle to boil.

My fave thing to bake is scones, I do plane ones for me and youngest who love them with extra thick double cream and little scarlet jam (pricey but worth it).

The others in the house like cherry or sultana.

There is a real wholesome pleasure in baking, but you do really have to eat the day you make them, we had a two day old fruit scone and as I said, I wouldnt eat that its rock hard, I will put it out for the birds to which he replied

You can kill two birds with one scone...... this went on all day

sticks and scones may break my bones
fave band... the scone roses
no scone unturned...

and not forgetting that old mowtown classic.....scone love, oh yeah now baby, o do do do do da , scone in love oh yeah.......

1 comment:

Lesley Redd said...

Scone Palace in Scotland was where they crowned the Kings and Queens of Scotland. Its true and I didn't make it up.